【Bilingual】把握共同命运 共创美好未来——在联合国未来峰会上的讲话

发布日期:2024-09-25 14:56信息来源:外交部 责任编辑:市外办 阅读次数: 【字体:   收藏



中华人民共和国外交部长 王毅






Bearing in Mind Our Common Future And Jointly Building a Better Tomorrow
Statement by H.E. Wang Yi
Special Representative of President Xi Jinping
Member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee
Minister of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China
At the United Nations Summit of the Future
New York, September 23, 2024
Mr. President,
The future carries the hope of human development. Facing transformation unseen in a century, it is highly relevant that we gather at the Summit of the Future and, together, adopt the Pact for the Future to galvanize our collective efforts for world peace and development, and to map out the future of humanity.
Humanity has only one planet Earth to call home, and we belong to the same world community. It is important that we take good care of our common home and make joint efforts to advance global governance. With this goal in mind, Chinese President Xi Jinping has put forward the vision of building a community with a shared future for mankind, advocated high-quality Belt and Road cooperation, and proposed the Global Development Initiative, the Global Security Initiative and the Global Civilization Initiative. These vision and initiatives have provided new solutions for tackling the common challenges of humanity and drawn a new blueprint for building a better world. In this connection, China proposes the following:
Countries of the world need to build a future of peace and tranquility. In this changing and turbulent world, new risks and challenges keep cropping up. No country can stay unaffected. Greater solidarity and cooperation of the international community is not a choice, but a must. Countries should uphold the vision of common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security, and settle disputes through dialogue, resolve differences through consultation and enhance security through cooperation. Major countries, in particular, should lead by example. They should break geopolitical circles by pursuing the greater good, rise above bloc confrontation with a broad vision for mutual prosperity, and serve as propellers for world solidarity and anchors for international peace.
Countries of the world need to build a future of development and prosperity. In today’s world, countries are not riding separately in some 190 small boats, but rather, we are all in a giant ship on which our shared destiny hinges. Small boats may not survive wind and waves, but a giant ship is strong enough to brave the stormy seas. Countries need to share development opportunities and pursue win-win cooperation. We need to follow a people-centered development philosophy and advocate a universally beneficial and inclusive economic globalization, so as to deliver the fruits of development to our people and ensure common prosperity for all countries. A winner-takes-all approach is a sure way to lose the whole game, and the “small yard with high fences” would only imprison the builder and tear the world apart.
Countries of the world need to build a future of fairness and justice. All countries, regardless of their size and strength, are equal members of the international community. International affairs should be handled through consultation by all countries. We need to build an equal and orderly multipolar world, and defend the U.N.-centered international system, the international order based on international law, and the basic norms of international relations underpinned by the purposes and principles of the U.N. Charter. We need to strengthen the authority of international rule of law, reject the law of the jungle where the strong bully the weak, oppose acts of hegemonism such as unilateral sanctions, protect the legitimate rights and interests of developing countries, promote greater democracy in international relations, and uphold international fairness and justice.
Countries of the world need to build a better future. As the new round of technological revolution and industrial transformation deepens, new opportunities and challenges have emerged for human society and global governance. We need to keep abreast with the times, push back the frontier and explore new practices, and make global governance more just and equitable. China supports the U.N. in serving as the main channel in AI governance, and will propose the AI Capacity-Building Action Plan for Good and for All. In particular, we need to encourage the young people to bring out their creativity and contribute their share to the advancement of humankind.
China today is going all out to build a great modern socialist country in all respects and pursue national rejuvenation through a Chinese path to modernization. This will create new opportunities for world peace and development. China will work hand in hand with countries around the world to advance the building of a community with a shared future for mankind and create a more peaceful and better tomorrow. 
Thank you.